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Monday, November 27, 2006

It Snows a Little in Seattle Too

We got a very early snow fall in the Seattle area over the Thanksgiving weekend. It's very rare to get snow this early. Some areas around Puget Sound got as much as 14", while downtown received just a dusting. It's shaping up to be quite a winter. Here is a story from KOMO.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It Rains a Little in Seattle Right?

Everyone knows that it rains every now and then in Seattle. But Seattle very rarely gets any thunder storms. That wasnt the case today. A strong storm came in early this afternoon that brought a lot of lightning, hail and even a brief snow shower to downtown Seattle. Here's a link to the full story from KOMO.

Origin of The Annoying Thing

A ding ding ding ding dididing ding bing bing pscht,
Dorhrm bom bom bedom bem bom bedom bom bum ba ba bom bom,
Bouuuuum bom bom bedahm, Bom be barbedarm bedabedabedabeda
Bbrrrrrimm bbrrrrramm bbbrrrrrrrrraammmmm ddddddraammm,
Bah bah baah baah ba wheeeeeee-eeeee-eeeee!

In 1997, 17-year-old Swede Daniel Malmedahl recorded himself impersonating the sounds produced by internal combustion engines. He posted this on a website and caught the attention of a Swedish television researcher, who convinced Daniel to perform the sound live on air. After Daniel's television debut, recordings of his performance began appearing on peer to peer file sharing networks and various websites under the filename "2TAKTARE.MP3" ("Tvåtaktare" is Swedish for "Two stroker"). Click on the lyrics above to hear this.

The sound effect was quickly included in Flash animations that spread virally among Internet users becoming an Internet meme. The most notable example was the Insanity Test, which required test subjects to keep a straight face while staring at a still photograph of a Ferrari Formula 1 car as the sound effect was played.

In late-2000, Malmedahl's fellow Swede Erik Wernquist encountered the sound effect and was inspired to create the 3D animation "The Annoying Thing" to accompany it. Erik used the LightWave 3D modelling application to produce the animation and posted it on his website. The animation was a popular attraction at Erik's website, but the sound was credited to "Anonymous". Eventually, word reached Daniel that his impressions had been used in a now well-known animation. He contacted Erik, apparently giving an impromptu performance to confirm his claims. Erik was convinced, and gave due credit to Daniel for his creation. It was broadcast for the first time on two Belgian commercials for Ringtone Europe and Jamster België (now both merged into Jamba!) in mid-2001.

In May of 2005, TurboForce, the company that Erik Wernquist works for, published a music video featuring The Annoying Thing. The song is called "Crazy Frog - Axel F" and is a "dance"-version of Harold Faltermeyers classic Beverly Hills Cop-theme. For anyone who doesn´t know this, "Crazy Frog" is what the market persist on calling my character The Annoying Thing. I personally hate that name and deeply regret I didn´t put a stop to that early on. - Erik Wernquist

Word has it that a grandiose second music video is under production. There you have it. I hope that cleared it up for you.

Dont ask me what this is -

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Spillers.cc Syndication Feeds

Atom and RSS syndication feeds are now available for the Spillers.cc web site. These syndication feeds allow the site to tell you when content has been updated.

What are the Spillers.cc syndication feeds and how do I use them?

These feeds are regularly updated summaries of web content, along with links to the full versions of that content. When you subscribe to a Spillers.cc feed by using a feed reader, you'll receive a summary of new content from that website. Important: you must use a feed reader in order to subscribe to website feeds. Internet Explorer 7 and other new web browsers have feed readers built in. If you have a personalized Google home page, you can add a Spillers.cc feed that will appear right on your home page. If you are using an older web browser, when you click on an RSS or Atom feed link, your browser may display a page of unformatted gobbledygook.

What are RSS and Atom?

RSS and Atom are the two feed formats. Most feed readers support both formats. Right now, Spillers.cc supports Atom 0.3 and RSS 2.0.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

More Random Spillers Images

We now have 96 different random Spillers images that are displayed at the top of each page on this web site. The image displayed is chosen completely at random each time a page is loaded. With the exception of the original Spillers.cc Disaster Dog graphic (yes he'll still show up now and then) every image has the word 'Spiller' or 'Spillers' in it. Sometimes they're small - look closely. Hit your refresh button a few times and check them out.

New Spillers.cc Favicon

Spillers.cc FaviconYou might have noticed that we have a new favicon. A favicon is the little icon displayed on the address bar or tabs in your web browser. It also shows up in your favorites list when you save a link to the Spillers.cc web site. The new Spillers.cc favicon is a letter S formed by two C shaped blue lines.
If you are using FireFox or another browser that supports animated favicons, your favicon will be animated for several seconds after loading the page like this one:Spillers.cc Animated Favicon Reload this page to restart the animation.