Welcome to Calhoun, GA!
Today's the day that Jim, Gina, Jessi and Sami will arrive in Calhoun, GA. For those of you who have never been to Calhoun, here's some info:
Calhoun, Georgia - Land of the Cherokee. The city of Calhoun offers a safe, friendly, small town atmosphere, close to the large city (close is a relative term here). This unique community is perfect for a get-away trip and is conveniently located on I-75 one hour north of Atlanta and 45 minutes south of Chattanooga. History is a big part of this community. The New Echota State Historic Site was the last capitol of the Cherokee nation in the early 1800s. The museum and restored buildings help you understand the history and events that led to the "Trail of Tears".
Census Data:
Population (year 2000): 10,667, Est. population in July 2002: 11,715 (+12.7% change)
Males: 5,303 (49.7%), Females: 5,364 (50.3%)
Elevation: 635 feet
County: Gordon
Land area: 11.7 square miles
Zip codes: 30701
Median resident age: 33.9 years
Median household income: $33,618 (year 2000)
Median house value: $96,900 (year 2000)
Races in Calhoun:
White Non-Hispanic (73.2%)
Hispanic (17.1%)
Other race (11.6%)
Black (7.6%)
Two or more races (1.4%)
American Indian (0.7%)
(Total can be greater than 100% because Hispanics could be counted in other races)
Ancestries: United States (15.7%), English (9.0%), German (6.2%), Irish (5.7%), Scotch-Irish (2.2%), French (2.1%)
For population 25 years and over in Calhoun:
High school or higher: 66.5%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 16.4%
Graduate or professional degree: 6.9%
Unemployed: 4.2%
Mean travel time to work: 18.2 minutes
For population 15 years and over in Calhoun city:
Never married: 22.4%
Now married: 55.7%
Separated: 2.2%
Widowed: 8.6%
Divorced: 11.1%
16.4% Foreign born (15.0% Latin America)
Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Chattanooga, TN (43.8 miles, pop. 155,554).
Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Atlanta, GA (63.2 miles, pop. 416,474).
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Chicago, IL (541.4 miles, pop. 2,896,016).
Nearest cities: Resaca, GA (5.5 miles), Adairsville, GA (9.1 miles), Plainville, GA (9.3 miles), Shannon, GA (14.4 miles), Fairmount, GA (17.2 miles), Kingston, GA (18.3 miles), Dalton, GA (18.9 miles), White, GA (20.3 miles).
Single-family new house construction building permits:
1996: 46 buildings, average cost: $100,400
1997: 83 buildings, average cost: $94,500
1998: 51 buildings, average cost: $108,900
1999: 59 buildings, average cost: $102,000
2000: 97 buildings, average cost: $78,100
2001: 96 buildings, average cost: $99,000
2002: 110 buildings, average cost: $111,600
2003: 132 buildings, average cost: $101,300
Area code: 706
New: Calhoun, Georgia business data: stores, dealers, real estate agents, wholesalers, restaurants...
Industries providing employment: Manufacturing (37.9%), Retail trade (13.2%), Educational,health and social services (13.2%).
Crime in Calhoun (2002):
0 murders (0.0 per 100,000)
3 rapes (26.9 per 100,000)
17 robberies (152.4 per 100,000)
27 assaults (242.1 per 100,000)
138 burglaries (1237.2 per 100,000)
842 larceny counts (7548.9 per 100,000)
45 auto thefts (403.4 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 549.7 (higher means more crime, US average = 330.6)
Crime in Calhoun (2001):
0 murders (0.0 per 100,000)
4 rapes (36.6 per 100,000)
3 robberies (27.5 per 100,000)
17 assaults (155.6 per 100,000)
110 burglaries (1007.0 per 100,000)
748 larceny counts (6847.3 per 100,000)
30 auto thefts (274.6 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 430.5 (higher means more crime)
Average weather in Calhoun, Georgia
Based on data reported by over 4,000 weather stations
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average temp. (°F) 39.5 43.3 51.2 58.9 67.0 74.5 78.3 77.4 71.5 60.1 50.9 42.6
High temperature (°F)49.3 54.7 63.4 71.8 78.8 85.5 88.7 87.7 82.0 72.3 62.2 52.6
Low temperature (°F) 29.6 31.9 38.9 45.9 55.0 63.6 67.9 67.0 61.0 47.8 39.5 32.5
Precipitation (in) 5.5 4.7 6.0 4.4 4.2 3.8 4.3 3.6 3.9 3.4 4.3 4.5
Normal climate around Calhoun, Georgia
Based on data reported by main weather stations
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Days with precip. 12 10 12 10 10 11 12 10 8 7 9 11
Wind speed (mph) 7.3 7.7 8.1 7.6 6.2 5.6 5.3 4.9 5.3 5.3 6.4 6.8
Morning humidity (%) 82 81 81 82 86 87 89 91 91 89 85 83
Afternoon humidity (%) 62 57 53 49 53 55 57 57 56 53 56 61
Sunshine (%) 44 49 54 62 65 65 62 63 64 63 53 45
Days clear of clouds 7 7 8 9 9 8 7 8 10 13 10 8
Partly cloudy days 7 6 8 8 10 12 13 13 10 8 7 6
Cloudy days 17 15 16 13 12 10 11 10 11 10 13 17
Snowfall (in) 1.6 1.1 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Yes, there is a McDonald's in Calhoun:
And a Waffle House:
WAFFLE HOUSE (706) 625-0469